“What do Cars and Computers Have in Common?”
Both cars and computers are indispensible, complex and will eventually break.
Do you change the oil in your car? You probably do. But WHY? You do this to prevent problems that you MIGHT have in the future.
When was the last time you changed the oil in your computer? I know computers don’t have oil. But they do have parts and software that break … usually at the worst possible time.
What if… (please use your imagination) the next time that you saw your car mechanic he said to you, “We have a new technology that many of our customers are using and I think it would really work for you. Let me tell you about it.
We install a part in your car that tells us everything about your car all the time. If your tire pressure is low, we know about it. If your brake pads are wearing out, we know about it. We know all your fluid levels, the amount of dirt in the motor, your gas mileage, the condition of your spark plugs and everything else about the condition and workings of your car.
Here is the great part. When we see that something needs routine maintenance or repair, we fix it for you. If it is a maintenance issue, we come to your garage at night while you are sleeping (so that we don’t disrupt your use of the car) and take care of it. Other things we can fix remotely from our shop while you are actually driving your car. You will never even know that we are working. Sometimes, though, we might need you to be with us while we resolve the problem.
Our customers have found that they love this service. This is because they don’t need to worry about the condition of their car. We take care of it. They get better gas mileage. Their car lasts longer. Their car performs better. They are not inconvenienced.
You might be thinking this must cost a small fortune. At the beginning, as we got our systems and processes in place, we did have some challenges making this affordable and effective. However, since we have many cars using this service, we have systems and processes that help us make this financially affordable for our customers.
What would you say to your mechanic?
Well, to my knowledge the car repair industry does not provide this service.
But the computer industry does.
Your technology consultant can install software on every PC, server and router in your network. Then he can watch and monitor your systems 24/7. The system will alert your technology consultant about both minor issues (like your hard drive space is 80% full) and major issues (like your server is down). In fact, if it is a major issue, the system will call his phone after hours to let him know there is a problem.
The software also allows him to do preventative maintenance. He can access your computer and fix issues while you are working. He can shadow you so that he sees exactly what you are doing when you have an issue.
Aside from the fact that your Technology Consultant just loves technology, why would he make this major investment in his business?
He should start providing this service to you for two reasons:
1. He can provide a better service to you than ever imagined.
2. He will now have the opportunity to really help you grow your business and use technology effectively.
So now you are probably asking…why didn’t he have the opportunity to service you in this manner before? Well, to be frank, it is because of the billing process. Charging by the hour creates two problems.
The first problem is that he is financially rewarded the longer it takes to fix your problems. I’m not saying that your current provider intentionally wastes time or pads your bill. But what I will tell you is that his focus and measurable key performance indicators (KPIs) were on billable hours per technician.
With this new technology his focus will be on how efficient your systems run. In other words, he will be focusing on how to reduce your downtime and increase your productivity.
Secondly, because he billed by the hour, you may have had a tendency to push him out the door. Understandably, you wanted to keep your costs low. You would probably tell your employees not to talk with him or his technicians. However, had you been talking to them more, they would have known about small annoying issues that could have been easily resolved and they could have improved your productivity. He could have been providing monthly server checkups and backup restores to ensure that if a disaster occurred you could recover your data. But in many cases you probably just wanted to save money … and took your chances.
As you can imagine, this change can dramatically impact your business and your relationship with Technology Consultant.
This can truly ADD even MORE value to your business.
If this sounds interesting, I welcome the opportunity to talk with you about how we can help your business.
I hope you will find this post informative and useful. I am looking forward to hearing your comments. That’s all I have for today, until next time make it a great day!